For more information about my artworks, a PDF with full portfolio and prices or if you just want to say hi – you can contact me here:

mail: contact [at]
phone: 0800-DO-NOT-CALL

If you are afraid of writing emails just drop me a message on FACEBOOK or INSTAGRAM.

„I have to touch this“

My work is emotive and focused on one’s desire for haptic experiences.Glossy surfaces,  structured fluid forms and dynamic matter – the confrontation of stagnation and movement fascinates and inspires me.

Through the use of color, organic, playful, and dynamic shapes, my work wants to seduce and invite the viewers to experience what is in front of them with their own senses and imagination. Subconsciously influenced by the aesthetics of nature and objects of everyday life, I create static forms that depict motion and appear to be smooth and light despite the heaviness of their substance. Observing more closely one can perceive that aesthetics can only endure through the presence of unaesthetic detail.

The materials I prefer using are ceramics, plastic, plaster, glass and textile, because they have the most haptic and satisfying effect on me. All these materials have their own will and come along with a certain stubbornness by their very nature – just like me.

During the process of creating work I knead, I stroke, I strike, I construct and touch everything with my hands –

„I have to touch this.“